Der Mann aus Brooklyn bringt nach seinem letztjährigem Album mit Hi-Tek (als Reflection Eternal) „Revolutions Per Minute“ nun am 28.01.2011 in Deutschland sein Soloalbum Album „Gutter Rainbows“ auf den Markt. Im Gegensatz zu den USA, kommt es bei uns nun als CD in die Läden. Der Promotrack läßt hoffen…
…und die Tracks auf Kwelis MySpace Seite bestätigen den ersten Eindruck! Einfach mal abchecken. Promotrack hatten wir bereits im Dezember in der Sendung. Hier nochmal für alle…
Btw: Die Jungs von Backspin haben das Statement zur Namensgebung seiner kommenden Platte ausgegraben…
“I read The Catcher In The Rye when I was in Europe a few months ago and I didn’t really enjoy [it], but one thing that I took from it was that reference,” the Black Star MC shared. “The character actually says ‘gasoline rainbows’ in the book. I was like, ‘Wow.’ I’ve always wanted to call a song ‘Gutter Rainbows’—just because of the rainbows that you see when the oil and the water mix in the gutter—and do a song based on that. I just remember being a little kid and finding beauty in that, and how you have to find beauty in stuff like that when you in the hood. But that reference—him noticing the gasoline rainbows in New York City, and just the character’s love for New York City—are what attracted to me to that phrase. Somebody else
got it, so it made me feel like it was more than just a song. Maybe it was an album.”